Coronavirus / COVID-19 Planning
Updated: Friday 10th December 2021
As the position in the UK in relation to the COVID pandemic continues to evolve we have updated our guidance and business practises. Despite progress in the UK with vaccinations, we continue to take a cautious approach; we have revisited our procedures in response to the government announcement dated 8th December 2021. As a response, we have revisited our risk assessment of business operations, services and projects, with the aim of protecting clients and team members while mitigating disruption to clients; until further notice client visits are once again postponed except in exceptional circumstances.
Given our geographical distribution, with team members located in numerous UK locations, and our existing arrangements that all team members have an adequate work environment at home, we are well placed to continue with a predominately remote supply of services and move to appropriate hybrid working when it is suitable to do so. Our normal business interactions are conducted remotely, greatly reducing the risk of team member to team member infection.
Our current risk assessment classifications are:
Product or service type | Example of service | Risk assessment (anticipated impact) |
Critical services | Critical services relate directly to the availability of a service or product that clients have a direct dependency on (for example website availability) | Low |
Non-critical services | Non-critical services relate to our ability to respond to a client request (for example a change request) | Low
(Downgraded from Medium, 14th Sept 2021) |
Projects | Projects refers to activities of work consisting of multiple stages or tasks, typically of multi-week duration. | Medium*
(Downgraded from Medium-High, 14th Sept 2021) |
* The reason for this classification is that projects are longer in duration and require input from external parties (such as clients) and are therefore more subject to interruption in the event of isolation activities etc. Currently our risk for projects is restricted to project timelines, rather than project outcome, we recommend clients factor an additional 10% duration in project timescales.
Taking into consideration the updated guidance from the UK government, we are continuing/adopting a number of initiatives:
- Our central office in Chichester is once again closed for all but essential visits. Mask wearing has been in place since the office reopened and, on the rare occasion team members visit the office, is be mandatory in all communal areas and while moving between offices in the building; normal activities are to be completed from home office environments.
- All meetings will continue to be held as remote meetings; all consultancy-orientated locations have provisioned audio/visual devices for this purpose.
- Business use of public transport and business travel has been reduced to a minimum; where needed consultants use personal vehicles or hire vehicles are provided; we are actively encouraging cycling and walking for short distance travel.
- We continue to review team training and knowledge to ensure there are no ‘knowledge silos’ that may restrict our ability to respond to clients, should one or more team members be significantly impacted (by COVID or another issue).
- In instances where clients request site visits, we will make a risk assessment based upon the specifics of the request and the nature of the requirement. However given the current government advice and nature of our work we are unlikely to authorise site visits at this time; this will not impact any of the services we provide clients.
The above initiatives will remain in place until the UK government issues a significant change in policy and will be reviewed as government guidance evolves.
As a business partner, we are here to support clients as they plan ongoing action plans and/or return to the office or hybrid working models. Please feel free to reach out if you require any assistance.
Revision History
Published: Thursday, 12th March 2020
Updated: Wednesday, 18th March 2020
Updated: Wednesday, 30th March 2020
Updated: Wednesday, 25th July 2020
Updated: Friday, 25th September 2020
Updated: Friday, 23rd October 2020
Updated: Tuesday 10th November 2020
Updated: Monday 28th December 2020
Updated: Monday 5th April 2021
Updated: Tuesday 29th June 2021
Updated: Tuesday 14th September 2021
Updated: Friday 10th December